The answer to this depends on what exactly you want to do.. Are you looking to do FPV on an airplane or a multicopter? Where do you plan to fly and what kind of range are you expecting. Do you have an amateur/ham radio license (allot of FPV TX's requires this).
Hobbyking has allot of inexpensive equipment and deals but may i also suggest checking out
There are tons of resources on the net that will help you allot. One such resource is
The answer to this depends on what exactly you want to do.. Are you looking to do FPV on an airplane or a multicopter? Where do you plan to fly and what kind of range are you expecting. Do you have an amateur/ham radio license (allot of FPV TX's requires this).
Hobbyking has allot of inexpensive equipment and deals but may i also suggest checking out
There are tons of resources on the net that will help you allot. One such resource is