FPV Community Survey - Survey COMPLETED

This is an anonymous survey used to gather responses that can be helpful to better understand the FPV community as a whole.

The responses will not be used against anyone in any way, will not be sold, and will be made public on or before December 31st, 2014 after ample survey data has been gathered. Your posts are anonymous in the survey.

The data collected could be used to help protect FPV rights against unreasonable regulation and legislation so your honest answers can help to provide insight on your position.

Most people will complete this in less than 8 minutes.

Please only take this survey once.

This survey has been completed

*** Disclaimer - I approached Tim from RMRC to help me host this survey and provide input on the structure and questions I've written. This is not a spam type survey, it is as I listed something to gain some data we can use to help our community positions as there is simply no data on the general opinions outside of threads on FPV specific forums.

You need to be a member of diydrones to add comments!

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  • Hey all, sorry for the delay to post this info. I've been super busy and needed to get the raw data into it's own PDF. Both that and my report on the survey are posted to the first post here.


    We can open it up to discussion in the following posts. Thanks again for those who helped to contribute their input. I realize it's a lot of reading, but it would be great to hear other thoughts on conclusions and recommendations others might make to help our community maintain the freedoms we enjoy in the face of impending legislation, regulation and overall growth as a hobby.

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