Freefly Movi M5 with Taranis X9D+ & X8R?

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to control my Movi M5 gimbal using my Taranis X9D+ transmitter and X8R receiver?

The Taranis X9D+ is not on the list of controllers recommended by Freefly for the Movi M5, but then I see other gadgets which can control the Movi M5 (which can use sBus or PWM) so I am thinking it is possible, but unsure.  If so, should I use PWM or sBus?

If it's not possible to use the FrSky protocols, I also have a JP4in1 module which can output DSMX protocol, and be used simultaneously with the FrSky protocol trhought the X9d+. I'd rather not use it, but if it's the ONLY way.. Which receiver do you recommend?

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