Hi All, (pixhawk 3.2.1 Quad X refers)
During a Batt FS Auto Land recently, the quad tipped over on landing.
I suspect that it tipped-over since the terrain was uneven.
I saw this youtube vid where it appears that the quad 'detects'
a possible uneven terrain during its final landing approach, at which time it re-positioned itself.
(watch from minute 17 on the vid timeline)
If I made the correct assumption that the quad in vid can 'detect' an uneven
landing terrrain and attempt to re-position itself,
I would like to know whether pixhawk FC Auto Landing can do the same?
Thank you for you valuable input.
I doubt it "detects" anything, more likely noisy data.
ArduCopter lets you fine-adjust the landing spot while landing, and also handle landing on lopes and icy slopes too where it need to decide to land even when is slides a bit or "fall" into a sloped position after landing.
Anyway - in difficult terrain, it's always best to land manually - because no current AP will understand if a leg/landing gear catches terrain/grass/rock etc.
Hi Andre,
Thank you for your reply.
It seems that I have to evaluate my rig further.