Ftrst flight

I have to share my first flight with you guys. I spent a lot of time checking and rechecking everything in my new hexacopter, and yesterday was the first flight attempt. Our flying field has covered work benches set up with "V" shaped roofs. My hexa lifted off and hovered well, and I moved it around a little. I flipped to altitude hold and that seemed ok. Then I flipped the switch to position hold, and I think got hit by a wind gust at the same time. The hexa tilted back towards me, rising just high enough to hit the edge of a roof. This caused the hexa to flip over onto the roof, where it continued to try to fly. The props didn't slow down with the throttle stick, and I didn't know I could turn the motors off until I went back to stabilize mode :)  I kept trying to shut it down with no results, and the whole time the hexa is upside down bouncing on the roof. I finally realized what I needed to do to turn the motors off. A couple of props broke, and the stack supports broke off at the bottom of the stack. also one motor was now bent on it's arm. After about an hours work it's ready to go again :)  I wish I had video because it was a really funny site to see !!

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  • T3
    Remember there are only two types of pilots, those that have crashed and those that have yet to crash. LOL

    I recommend you test flight in a large open field, until you get fair amount if flight experience.

    Good Luck,
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