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ArduCopter 2.6, u-blox GPS with compass, 3DR Telemetry 915 Mhz,
APM 3.1.4,

Saturday. I had a momenty lost of controll early in the day. The next flight I could not take off due to a  mag - prearm check failure. I recallibrated the compass, put my protective bumpers on, and went for a test flight. It flew great. I swapped batteries and the next flight was a runaway / crash. I took off in stabilize. When I switched to drift mode my copter immediately ran away. Then I switched to loiter, that  the copter jerk momentarly ( clearly seen in the video ), Then applied full throttle since I was headed for the ground. I got no response from my controls at all. With some help from fellow flyers I recovered my copter ( Thanks Brian, Denver ). I plan on rebuilding. I am asking for any information and advice about my crash. Please see attached logs. I don't want to reuse any faulty parts. Note: Looking at the video I can see that my copter was always facing foward as it speeded away. Replay of the telemetry logs shows the heading was fixed at or about 121 degrees, roughly 90 degress to the direction of travel. I uploaded the video to YouTube.

2014-06-02 19-24-41 142.log

2014-05-31 14-01-23.tlog

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  • the .log is not complete, and you did not log very much data, most important stuff for analysis, like IMU, MAG, NTUN was disabled.

    • A couple of months ago I was playing around with data collection. I likely forgot to set data collection back to its original settings. I looked at the GPS data from my very short trip and found it started with at exact location I took off from, (as expected). but then it was 100 miles off, then I got latitude, without longitude, then nothing. Could a bad uBlox have caused the crash ? If anybody wants to perform a post mortem examination of my uBlox and/or ardupilot I would mail it to you, if you said you would mail it back when done. I have ordered a new uBlox and PixHawk to get flying again. I am replacing everything that I think could have caused my crash.

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