FULLY Understanding!! FLIGHT MODES doubts


I'm ending the build process of an AC2 kit from jdrones, all goes 100% fine , I have loaded AC2 last firmware, setup radio with 6 position switch, calibrated magnetometer, leveled and also setup calibration for ESC... , now before any attempt to fly i will like to have 100% understood "flight modes", since all explanations I've read (this and the other) are not clear for me:


Modes include:

  • ACRO: RC control, but rate control only. Major acrobatics, but not for beginners OK
  • STABILIZE: RC control. Copter will hold -45 to 45° angle, throttle is manual. what angle is this?
  •  SIMPLE: Remembers the orientation of the copter when first entering SIMPLE mode, allowing the user to fly more intuitively. Ignore copter orientation, and just fly forward, back, right and left relative to the original take off position. Manual Throttle. If you want to change the position of "forward", disarm the ESCs, reposition the copter and rearm them. OK
  • ALT_HOLD: Altitude hold. Altitude is controlled by the throttle lever. Middle is hold, high = rise, low = fall. You may get better hold by setting your throttle_cruise value by toggling ch_7 for less than 1 second once you enter ALT_HOLD mode. HOLD means I will be able to yaw, pitch and roll without changing altitude (asuming throthle in the middle),,, why should i use channel 7 if I only setup ch 5.
  • LOITER: When selected, it will hold the current altitude, position and yaw. Yaw is user controllable. Roll and pitch can be overridden temporarily with the radio (this means my right stick will have no effect at all?). Altitude is controlled by the throttle lever. Middle is hold, high = rise, low = fall. Default altitude is set in the Mission Planner's planning screen, under "Default Alt". Why a default altitude , what is this used for?
  • RTL: Will try and fly back to home at the current altitude. and current yaw angle, at what speed? is this regulable?
  • AUTO: Will fly the mission loaded by the Mission Planner OK
  • GCS_AUTO: A future mode where the copter can be flown interactively from the GCS OK
  • Thanks in advance!



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  • Developer

    STABILIZE:  The roll and pitch stick movements are used to set the roll and pitch of the copter. Let go and the copter will level itself.


    Alt hold - Ch7 is not longer needed! Yay! It's set automatically each flight when you enter the mode.

    Loiter, Auto,  RTL, Guided mode - You simple start flying and your stick control will be mixed with the Autopilot control. A full stick deflection will completely override the AP. So you can just fly it with confidence that you can nudge it or save it from crashing into a tree.

    Loiter doesn't use default altitude. Seems to be a mistake.

    RTL : Speed is user definable in Code only right now. 6m/s  the Yaw will be towards home. 

    GCS_AUTO is almost done and will be called GUIDED mode in the future when released.


    I will make some changes to the Wiki to make this all more clear! Thanks!




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