Futaba 6ex and flight modes

Needless to say I am new here but have been reading as many posts on this subject as I could find and it seems that programming the futaba 6ex for 6 flight modes is a not a simple project. So I ask .. what if I only wanted to utilize 3 flight modes- Auto, Stabalize and Loiter,  would this be possible on the futaba by mixing 2 two postions switches? If so is there a tutorial somewhere?

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  • Arduino Nano code:

    #include <Servo.h>

    volatile int futaba_ch5; // Here's where we'll keep our channel values
    volatile int futaba_ch6;
    volatile int mix1;
    volatile int mix2;
    volatile int mix;
    volatile long mixed;

    Servo myServo;

    void setup()

    pinMode(2, INPUT); // Set our input pins as such
    pinMode(4, INPUT);


    Serial.begin(9600); // Serial output setup

    mixed == 1000; // Give initial reading for "mixed"

    void loop()

    futaba_ch5 = pulseIn(2, HIGH, 23000); // Read the pulse width of channel 5, wait for 25k microsecond

    myServo.writeMicroseconds(mixed); // Continue to output last PWM signal
    Serial.print("Output1 = "); // in order to reduce time interval between output pulse
    Serial.println(mixed); // If not doing these 3 lines, the output pulse will have interval of 2 x 23ms = 46ms

    futaba_ch6 = pulseIn(4, HIGH, 23000); // Read the pulse width of channel 6, wait for 25k microsecond
    // Why 25k microsecond?
    // Because there are typically 20ms (20,000 E-6 s) between pulse
    // Each pulse has the length between 1ms (min) to 2ms (max)
    // 23,000 = 20,000 + 2,000 + 1,000 where the 1,000 is allowance

    // Serial.print("Futaba Channel 5: "); // Print the value of channel 5
    // Serial.println(futaba_ch5);

    // Serial.print("Futaba Channel 6: "); // Print the value of channel 6
    // Serial.println(futaba_ch6);

    if ( futaba_ch5 > 1500 ){
    mix1 =3;
    else {
    mix1 =1;

    if ( futaba_ch6 > 1500 ){
    mix2 =1;
    else {
    mix2 =0;

    mix = mix1 + mix2; // "Mixes" the channels
    if (mix ==1) mixed = 1000; // Position 1 starting point
    if (mix ==2) mixed = 1250; // Position 2
    if (mix ==3) mixed = 1500; // Position 3 mid-point
    if (mix ==4) mixed = 1750; // Position 4 2000 is end point
    myServo.writeMicroseconds(mixed); // Output PWM of "4-position" switch

    Serial.print("Output2 = "); // Print the value of mixed channel


  • Did you ever figure out how to setup the Futaba 6ex to work with various flight modes of the FC?  I've got a Futaba 6EX that I am trying to setup for simple, loiter and rtl.  With only the two position switch I am not sure how to do this.  Any suggestions appreciated.....BTW....went and (back) ordered the Turnigy 9X....though might be some time before I see it!

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