Well, I'm thinking DIY Drones doesn't only mean hardware. It's all about producing a deliverable product suitable for the intended purpose - whether you build or buy the enabling technology to get the job done.
Since it has been well researched and documented that a) lens calibration error accumulated through the SfM workflow contributes to the resulting systematic doming [elevation] error when traditional (linear/parallel) flight lines are used and b) gently curving, convergent, non-traditional (non-linear/non-parallel) help mitigate the doming error, I decided to create such curved drone flight paths.
Please check out an Amazon ebook entitled "Gently Curved, Convergent, Non-traditional Drone Flight Paths" to see how generalized curved drone flight paths can be produced. Currently, I am preparing to release a web-based flight planning application to make curved drone flight lines available to all.
I have attached an image that illustrates the use of traditional flight lines for mapping a very large area - the McCall Glacier in Alaska. Also, I have attached a mission plan using curved flight lines for the same area. The two images are distinct and easily recognizable according to the approach used.
Let me know what you think of curved drone flight lines.