Get Params times out

Hi all. I'm using the latest (2.0.08) version of ArduStation2 with the latest version of ArduPlane (2.24). The ArduStation2 code compiles with a few mods (libraries/GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink_types.h was recently modified to change payload to payload64, checksum accessors modified).The system runs nicely with both XBee S2.5 and Xbee Pro XSC900MHz. I get flight data coming across the com link. In all cases, however, the system times out when I try to Get Params. I note that the same error is reported by several users in the comments of this blog post, but is not well addressed: modified the code, upping the timeout from 20 to 120 seconds, but that made no difference, except for a longer timeout (as expected).Other observations/questions:* With the XSC modems, the RSSI light glows a dull blue (hard to see in the photo). With the S2.5 modems it glows a blinding blue. In both cases, however, I'm getting data downlink (and a heartbeat).* Only 31 params to download? QGroundControl downloads some 140+* The S2.5 modems gave me a similar issue with QGroundControl: I could not request params. However, moving to XSC modems solved that problem.So, has anyone else had such a problem? What are you doing/did you do to resolve it? What software version(s) should I try to resolve this mess?Thanks,FM


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  • Hello,

    I have the same problem.

    I have the version 2.0.11.

    hans kulker

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