Getting into the field...

Hello everyone, I have always wanted to build a drone, and I'm in the process of designing and building an autonomous truck based on an E-Maxx. Only problem with my UAV plan is, I've never flown a model plane before, and I don't think I'd be very good because my depth perception isn't so great. Could I get by with an FMA Co-Pilot's help, some other system or should I forget about this notion?Thanks!

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  • Moderator
    Trawl the web and look for FMS, flying model simulator, its free.

    Or pick up a cheap sim from your local hobby store.

    Cane that for a while then buy your simple airplane.

    I dont like those Firebirds, an Easystar from Multiplex is a very easy to fly airframe and will be useful later if you keep it together.

    Although it costs quite a bit more.

    You should also have suitable servos and receiver in it for future use.

    The other big thing to do would be to search out local RC enthusiasts, they will help for sure.


  • I think you should really learn how to fly first before installing any of your UAV gears in there. It will make your testing and integration processes much easier later on. Really there is no subtitute for good flying skill.
  • 3D Robotics
    I'd try something very easy to fly like a Hobbyzone Firebird Phantom ($69). If you can fly that you should be able to graduate to other, more UAV-appropriate, planes.
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