Getting ready for first flight

I am getting ready for my first flight and trying to figure the following.1) why is it so hard to flight a arducopter when they are supposed to be controlled by the computer?2) what should I do for a preflight check list?3) what are the most common problems after you build a copter?Jason

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  • Developer

    Most people screw up the throttle. They accelerate too fast, cut the throttle and watch their copter fall to the ground.

    Or they try to bring up the throttle too slow and flip it on takeoff.


  • A little short on details, and vague on questions.

    But a few broad brushstrokes - 

    1) they are easy to fly but a computer is a GIGO device, Garbage in - Garbage out, so you must have everything right.

    2) depends on the type of flying your doing, but with anything that flies you check the integrity of the airframe and motors, charge of battery, and if using telemetry, the mission and it's parameters, and anything else you can think of that might end in a crash.

    3) Tuning, tuning and tuning, checking that all that wiring is secure, that no electrical interference is getting into the system, bearings are holding up, tuning, and more tuning.

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