I am wondering if anyone on this website has any sort of guide or tips for controlling an APM flight controller with an arduino. I have been trying for several months now to even get the motors on my quadcopter to arm but to no avail. The most I have achieved is to send and receive heartbeat messages. No other command has given any sign of working.
I have seen numerous forum posts here and elsewhere from people attempting to perform the same task. All of them were abandoned inconclusively.
Plase, if anyone knows how to arm an APM-controlled quadcopter with an arduino, your help would be greatly appreciated.
you may want to check out this blog: https://discuss.ardupilot.org/t/mavlink-and-arduino-step-by-step/25...
Didn't have to change anything in mission planner. Our setup was just the arduino interfacing with the apm telemetry with no other controller or laptop or anything hooked up to the apm
Can I ask what you change/edit on mission planner to receive information from the arduino?
At the moment I use the serial monitor on the arduino IDE but it just spits out interpretable info which is unhelpful
Hi Jamie,
Here is the code we used to get the heartbeat to work: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JjzExItl538qj4u8Ah8P_9j5dTMD4Gzt/v...
I'm assuming it's the latest version of Arduino. We've been using an arduino mega that we just bought.
Jamie Tank said:
Hi Logan,
Unfortunately i wont be able to help as im struggling with the same with but with a pixhawk.
Would it possible for you to send me your code that you used for the interfacing the apm to the arduino? Also are you using the newest version of arduino or an older one. As i constantly get fastserial.h errors when i try to compile my code.