Good UAV/UAS Job websites

It's time I started the job hunt again and I need some recomendations for UAS job websites.  I would love to make my hobby my job.  I don't have a good UAS resume but have prior DOD experience in Iraq.   I have applied to Insitu, Northrop Grumman, and Evergreen.  Know of any in Arizona also? Any recomendations are appreciated.

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  • I am offering a great opportunity, anyone interested? You need the engineering skills to support a new startup drone/uav/quadcopter company. Please contact me directly. 

  • I am interested in your job offering Mr.Francisc Bereczky. what are the requirements that I should meet to work with you?

  • Offering a SD job...

    It is not really a job but an oportunity to earn some cash.

    I follow the forum for nearly a year now, hoping that some day BiCopter support will be included in ArduCopter.

    I am prepared to finance this project.

    Anybody interested?


  • i am looking for a job too, and this is what i have achive.

    if someone in this forum interested with that video..please contact me by email. thanks.

  • 3D Robotics
    Procerus is in Utah and is usually looking for engineers.
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Neville Rodrigues liked Neville Rodrigues's profile
Jun 30