I uploaded the firmware as mentioned in connection option 3 for GPS but then i realized that i had a (GY-GPS6MV2) NEO 6M GPS for which the  3DR-Ublox.txt file does not upload (not works). But then i tried to upload my quad 3.3.3 firmware to my APM 2.8 and it gives a port error as if the port does not exist. Looks like the option 3 has changed the port swettings for the APM and it is now near impossible to upload the firmware. I tried resetting the APM but it did not work. WHat should be done to remove the option 3 firmware from APM 2.8?

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  • All credits to Craig for solving the problem. Finally resolved! 

  • yes its an english language computer.

  • email me your TeamViewer ID and Temp PW to thequestor at gmail dot com or craig at computerguy dot ws and I'll jump in and see what we can do about getting you sorted out with the board and GPS :)

    Also is it an english language computer as I can't tell where you're from [forgive my ignorance]

  • ok that would be very kind of you . So let me know your team view id.

    All i did was that I used option 3 for GPS to upload the passthrough firmware and then did nothing else. 

    I always get a port error.

  • I didn't say anything about Arduino. But you're saying you can't flash the firmware to your APM with mission planner at all?

    if this is the case you may well have other issues. I'd be willing to jump into your PC via teamview and see what I can do to get your APM talking again if you wish.

    I thought you were just saying you had an issue with the GPS module.

  • Hello Craig,

    you want me to flash using the Arduino IDE because i am not able to upload any firmware using mission planner?

  • what "I" would do is connect the GPS to an FTDI and then connect to U-Center and make sure the GPS is functional.

    You can also use the passthrough in mission Planner "Control-F" then MavSerial pass that will allow you to connect to your GPS through mission planner to U-center. but I have never had any luck uploading or updating the GPS via the mavserial pass.

    3.3.3 will NOT upload to an APM board no matter what revision. The latest APM that will upload is 3.2.1 even if you selected 3.3.3.

    What I would then do is the following

    Flash the APM back to 3.1.5 then using the console do a erase then reset

    then in mission planner do a control-F and then click the Param gen button. Close mission planner and unplug then APM. Then open MP and connect back to the APM and let it sit for a minute or two and see if it sees the GPS again. If so then update the firmware back to 3.2.1 and see if your GPS is still found.

  • Desperate need for help

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