GPS guided Boat using Ardupilot

Hey guys,

I am trying to get my home-made R/C boat setup to drive around a lake, guided through a set of waypoints by the EM406 gps module connected to the Ardupilot v1.

I will likely leave the throttle connected to the R/C receiver during testing so that I can set the speed, while the Ardupilot guides the boats direction. All that is required for my project is the GPS guidance using the rudder on the boat to get to each waypoint.

I have a working Xbee pair that I might add onto the Ardupilot to add telemetry if needed, so I thought I might update the ground-station (laptop) with speed, latitude, and longitude readings on the serial monitor.

Does anyone know what code I can drop to use only the EM406 gps and rudder control?

Any help is appreciated, and I will post any updates to the project.

you can see my other projects here:


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  • Hi Greg,
    I'm looking for something similar, staying tuned ;)
  • Hi JD, You just can't drop sections of code. You have to go through the whole code and know what it does. Maybe not how it does but what. I learned enough arduino C to know whats going on with Ardupilot. I will work on a water version. Something I wanted to do any way. Stay tuned.
  • 3D Robotics
    Check out Harold's series of posts.
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