GPS location keeps changing while it's on table !

When I connect APM 2.6 to Mission Planner using USB cable the Quad location on the map is changing continuously !

It keeps to change around a large area, about 15 m or more around, see the attached image.
It is a large error I think, isn't it ?
I did load the firmware again and calibrated everything for many times but it is still the same!

How can I solve that ?
Is there any settings to do ?


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  • what kind of antenna and GPS module you are using?  how about you EMI surrounding your GPS module?

  • Okay, I'll bite,

    If it's sitting on a table inside your house why would you expect it to have a good GPS lock.

    It needs to be outside with a good clear view of the sky with no obstacles within 100m or so around it, i.e. trees or high buildings, for it to get an accurate GPS fix from the satellites which are orbiting the earth.

    • it is on a table outside my house in the garden 
      I tried to put it in our university stadium, the error reduced but it is still not acceptable, about 10 m keeps changing around !

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