GPS module EM-411/406A

Is ArduIMU compatible with GPS module EM-411/EM-406A?

I see in the manual that the GPS module is compatible MediaTEK or UBLOX5. But I guess it should also be compatible with EM-406A/EM-411...



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  • hello everybody, im in last year of engenieering (embedded systems, computer systems and autoatism in industrial environment)

    well im studying The kit( module ) gps em-406a and my purpose is to program this module under STM32 F4 card not normal microcontroller. i didn't have any code to start intiating the module with stm32 code.

    please if you have any idea about this subject juste leave a message or mail me on

  • suppose too, but, I don't know, have one also, but not tried it, so, want to be notified of what it will be told here :)
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