GPS - NO FIX and NO Signal - and No Fly!

I have a little quad setup for doing tests on various flight controllers, FPV etc.  Went out to try out a new FPV camera using APM 2.5+ with Ublox GPS (both from 3DR).  Had been working fine (about a month old) but today when I went to fly from same location as I have been, I get no GPS lock - or any indication that I have picked up any satellites (no gps path lines on MP).  When I tried to fly in stabilize mode, the quad went pretty wacky - started yawing pretty quickly.  Went back and did radio calibration and throttle/esc calibration.  I have compass on auto (1).  Still no sign of any satellites locking.  Any ideas?  Only change I have done is I updated MP a couple of days ago.  Otherwise, everythng is the same.  Running V2.9.1b  ?????

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  • Ive ran into the same thing while trying to set up fpv (1258MHz). Because the fpv transmitter frequency is so close to the received GPS frequency, and that I was running a high powered transmitter, I was basically creating a RF bubble around my quad. Verified by obtaining a solid GPS lock almost immediately after I disconnected power from the fpv transmitter. I plan on using a smaller powered transmitter, moving the fpv antenna to the underside of the quad and using MU metal to magnetically separate the two.

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