GPS problems fixed. Now altitude issues?

Hey guys, i have recently solved all the GPS issues by replacing the MediaTek GPS unit to the uBlox. I have had a 100% success rate so far with GPS reliability.

However, when using the RTL feature, i noticed my quad just fell out of the sky. It attempted to turn to the direction of home, but just "fell". It did not do it every time. I have also had issues with the altitude hold.

Is there some tests i can do for altitude and maybe some kind of calibration?


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  • Hi, it is normal. RTL climbs and descends steep. This is intended. There is also a crash-dive stabilizer in the soft that (independently of RTL but triggered by its dive) keeps the wings level in the dive, suppressing navigation roll control. The resulting effect is a dive and then a course change.
    Decrease the min. and max pitch angles. Set a higher ALT_HOLD_RTL parameter value. Do not use the "default altitude" feature (uncheck it) when planning missions - apparently?? it affects the ALT_HOLD_RTL parameter. Do verify the value of the parameter again after writing the mission. The unit it centimeters so eg. 20000 is a normal value...
    If you cant live with the steep ups and downs in RTL, I suggest you set a waypoint over your launch location and use that instead, and use RTL only for emergencies. The steep climb is good in hilly terrain, as otherwise the plane may fly into a hill even if ALT_HOLD_RTL was set high enough.
    Also, do check that the altimeter shows correct altitude at ground before start. APM will use an early GPS altitude for barometer calibration. A little _too_ early sometimes. After a little more time the GPS alt. will be better but the baro offset error will remain. I check the altimeter after init and if off by more than 20 meters, push the reset button. That will cause a better GPS fix to be used when the barometer is calibrated again and the creep as GPS improves is eliminated.
    Regards, Soren
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