I read with interest the discussion concerning the NEO-M8N in the 3.2 beta testing topic (~page 47 onwards). This has prompted a few questions if I may:

I'm using the 3DR uBlox GPS with my Pixhawk on my Sky Hero Spy with great effect, she's really dialled in on loiter and rtl. I bought a NEO-M8N a couple of weeks back and wonder whether it will offer an even better performance than the 3DR GPS or do you think 'if it works, don't fix it' applies here?

I am a little confused about configuring either though as Randy said this:

"Yes, the config is being sent to the ublox on each boot.  It doesn't send everything though and I had a look in the AP_GPS_UBLOX.cpp file to see what exactly it's sending but even for me that would take a bit of a review.  It also tries to turn off messages that it doesn't recognise."

That being the case, why do people bother changing the configuration settings, baud rate, rate, etc. if Pixhawk refreshes the config upon boot up? Or does Pixhawk only configure certain parameters so it's worth changing certain parameters?

How do I know for example that EGNOS (as Thomas suggests) is enabled as I'm in the UK, would the Pixhawk be pre-configured for use in Europe or is it that clever that it knows where it is and does it itself?


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  • It is what I was looking for, thanks.

  • Well, I fitted the M8N and the performance seems to be superb.. HDOP as low as 1.3, more than 10 satellites all the time and this is her in loiter:


    That compares with HDOP minimum of 2.0 and 6 or 7 satellites with my 3DR ublox with the Pixhawk on my Sky Hero Spy so I've ordered another to fit to that..

    2015-04-05 18-42-39.log

    • This is the log from my Pixhawk half an hour later..

      First try with the new 16,000 mah multistar lipo so very heavy, got to love the 100amps and 50mph.. :o)

      2015-04-05 19-12-32.log

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