I recently bought a set of arducopter electronics from DiyD shop and have a big problem getting any decent performance in any flight mode. Looking at the raw sensor data in the Configurator I noticed the Pitch gyro had a low output in comparison to the other gyro's. I have a hotel 1.0 shield board which has a IDG500 gyro for the X and Y axis. The Y output ( Pitch ) is faulty it should have a factory DC offset of 1.35V, it does not, and it only produces a small output change for pitch change, maybe 25% of the X axis.

I'm talking to DiyD shop to find the best solution to repair the situation.

What is really interesting is that all of the Gyro outputs do not have a RC low pass filter. In the Gyro's application notes they suggest a 750R and 100N filter components. These are present on the Hotel 1.0 Shield board but the 100N capacitors are connected via links and the links are not present. So no LPF's. The outputs of the gyro's are connected to the ADC through the 750R resistors only. This does not look right to me, why have links to enable the filters? Maybe someone from the design team may see this and respond. I wonder what filtered Gyro's would do for the flight performance.

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  • Developer
    The solder jumpers were added as it was found several months ago that performance, particularly in quads, was better without analog filters.
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