
I have been using the GWS gyros for sometime but would like to be able to modify my own. The GWS is a plug and play device that goes in serial with the servo and helps stabilize your flight. I am making lighter ones for use on a small ornothopter. The problem is I dont know what exactly the output is or how to process it to control the servos. I just need the idea really not the exact design. If anyone knows anything let me know. Thanks.

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  • I have a small unit which includes a receiver, a gyro, and two (8a?) motor drivers (dc) for a small heli
    The whole thing is a little bigger than a gyro, and might suit your purpose?

    Also here is a very small gyro:

    small gyro:
  • All that happens in a GWS gyro is the voltage from the gyro element makes the PWM pulses fatter or skinnier as it increases or decreases beyond a user calibrated neutral point. The way you correlate voltage with duty cycle is usually a 555 timer but those are expensive, so those Chinese geniuses did it using discrete components.
  • 3D Robotics
    Sparkfun has a wide array of gyros with easy-to-use breakout boards. Needless to say, you'll need an onboard processor to read the data.
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