H-K ESC/BEC question

Hi, can anyone tell me what their experience had been with the H-King 20A fixed wing brushless speed controller? All the reviews on HK basically say its junk.  I just don’t want the BEC powering the apm2 to get a power spike and fry it. I’ve searched the forms to try to find some info on the subject, but to no avail. If this one is unreliable, could someone please recommend one that would work? Seeing as I’m kind of a newbie I’m planning on using all the parts describes on the “Getting started page” and trying to keep it as simple as possible. I just don’t want to use a cheap part and fry an expensive part :P I think for starters I’m just going to get the Bixler without any apm, and just get used to flying that first, but even for that I need to get a good ESC.  Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated! Thank you guys for taking the time to help newbies like me get started!

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  • +1 for the Turnigy Plush ESC's. I have three, never had a problem.
  • Okay that makes me feel better about getting one. Thanks guys!

  • Developer

    Most people only feel motivated to make a comment if they have a bad experience, so the reviews easily become biased.

    I have bought and used countless Hobbyking ESC's of various brands, types and sizes and never had a "ESC not working by flawed design" problem. Sure, some of them might not have the best throttle response/motor timing in the world. Sure some have stopped working after a while of 'creative' use, but so does expensive brand ones. Knock on wood, I have never had a case of DOA or 'burst into flames' yet. Not saying that it has never happened for anyone, but if so it is the result of a production/MOSFET fault and not a faulty ESC design as they would all burst into flames then.

    I also suspect that many ESC's out there are running with default settings not matching the motor timing and/or mismatched propellers. Hence the "ESC is running hot", "does not work", "jerks and stutters" reviews you see from time to time.

    If you want to be on the safe side, the old Turnigy Plush series is a proven design (hence always on back-order). In fact most of the newer ESC's that HobbyKing sell is based of that design, using different quality of MOSFET's to difference the price point.

  • I have no experience with that one, but I have bought two ESC's from HK, both of which were supposed to be junk based on reviews (Superbrain 100A and K-Force 40A) and both work very well.

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