Happy Killmore GCS

Huge milestone for me today.  Finally got my new XBee units all talking and configured.  Started HK GCS and got connected but I noticed that the model airplane is moving in the wrong direction when I move the IMU.  I know the servo connectors should face the rear of the plane and the GPS connector should face front.  Any idea why the plane banks right when I bank IMU left?  Same goes for pitch as well.  They both seem reversed.

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  • Sorry, it won't let me reply again (max sublevels reached I guess). I'm ordering two 900Mhz XBees to confirm it works the other way around. In the reading I've done tonight, there seems to be a bug in the XBee firmware that's causing the problems at 115,200. This long post suggests that the problem has to do with clock cycles on the APM (actually the sending system) but if that were the case, it should fail at 115,200 regardless of the hardware.



    So I haven't gone through steps to set 2 stop bits and try again at 115200.... but I guess that's the next logical step. I wonder where Kartik Chandrasekhar is and if he's even using 115200. I wonder if he's set his PAN ID's to match....or if there's some other setting having to do with the X-Bee's that's causing his issues.

  • How did you manage to get the XBee modules to talk to each other? I configured the XBee modules according to these instructions: http://pixhawk.ethz.ch/wiki/tutorials/how_to_configure_xbee. Then, I also set up the APM code on Arduino (GCS Port 3, etc). HK GCS works fine with USB connection, but I am struggling to get it to work through the XBee modules. Any help please?
  • Anyone have any ideas?
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