Hard case batteries

Hi all,

I'm looking for batteries in a case with built-in conectors for my quadcopter.

Like this one from reedy:


Anybody knows where I can found this kind of batteries for copters ?

I would like to construct a case for easy replacement of batteries each time that one is empty, like the battery of the phone that don't have cables, more clean that with cables of standard batteries...

Thank you!


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  • I take a hybrid approach with a battery box integrated into the central airframe but still using hobby connections.

    lot has a good idea in that a 'quick change' battery has merit if you need a quick pit stop.

    I suppose a hobby battery could be integrated into a module that could slide in and lock... hmmmm...

    On the other hand, a crash would probably end the need for a quick change of battery.



  • Hard case batteries are not typically used for airplanes and copters. Cars and trucks bounce around, roll over, smash into each other, and other rough and tumble stuff so they need the hard case to prevent damage to the battery (which could cause fires and other bad stuff). Airplanes and copters don't have to deal with that stuff so they can use the cells just shrink wrapped which saves on weight and cost. It's also nice to be able to spot problem cells when they are just shrink wrapped, cells in a hard case might be damaged or puffed but there's no way to tell without destroying it.

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