Have anyone used Castle ESCs?

I'm thinking to use Castle ESC for new quadrotor.

But I'm not sure it is good for quad or not.

So if anyone have used the Castle ESC, please let me know tips!

I'll waiting your comment.

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  • Developer

    Beware of the Auto-calibrating modes. You need all the ESCs to be calibrated the same.


  • I have a few Castle ESC's and I never had a problem with them. I haven't tried one for quad's yet. I built a motor tester with an Arduino mini and a sparkfun serial display. I can set the pwm value and the frequency. I tested a Pulso motor/controler with it and it worked up to ~ 660 Hz. I will try some Castle ESC's and see if they can handle the update rate required of a quad. If they can, I would use them on a copter.

  • IMO, there are cheaper and excellent quality options out there. Also, I dont think castle ESC have the same ease of operability and user proof and support like Turnigy ESC or other brands mentioned very often here. Im not saying that castle products are bad... they have very good products but if you can consider other good and cheaper options then you can save $ for other goodies for your quad ;)
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