
  • SOLVED!!!

    can you believe it?

    after 8 long weeks and many attempts at solving I HAVE FLOWN.


    Solution - was to reverse the throttle on thTurnigy TGY 9x tx transmitter, not reverse in Mission Planner

    (I hate reversing throttle in any place - so probably not surprising I delayed fiddling with throttle)


    wow its so good to fly.


    BIG thanks to all who tried to help.


  • There is definitely a glitch in the way that AMP2 samples the receiver input. I found that they are not 100% compatible with Futaba 8-channel receivers (R6108HS and R6208SB). They create random glitches on the inputs. With the exact same transmitter and 7-channel receivers (I have tried several) there is never any glitches. I think it’s the way that all brands of high end 2.4 receivers buffer and output all the signals and output all servo pulses at exactly the same time. This it fantastic for keeping servos from having phase lag but some electronic desires don’t like it. Other brands of controllers have had similar problems but eventually got the firmware bugs worked out.


    Hopefully V2.6 will have this bug fixed.




  • Works fine for me.  I haven't had any problems using the 9X with the APM2.

    However, you should know that the APM has a dangerous flaw that will freeze your throttle if you go out of range.  People have lost entire quads because it froze at max throttle and flew away.

    Also with any system the APM will freeze the throttle if the throttle signal wire has any problems.  Loose connector, crappy connector, wire break, bad solder, etc., etc..

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