Heading automatically in flight direction


I get my 450 ready and did some first test flights. Pretty well.

I understand that I have to type in the heading for each waypoint in the MP when I what to move the heli with the head towards the next waypoint. But what about RTL. I can´t set a heading here, right? So the heli will return to home with which heading? The one when I switch to RTL or the one where I startet?

Is it possible to set something like auto-heading. So that the head always point towards the next waypoint?

Thank you.

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  • Ok, compiling works. But I get some orange warnings.

    And where are the compiled files? Whats next?


  • Yes, if you're running 2.8.1, it should look at home when you do a RTL.  I changed that for helicopters only just before 2.8.1 came out.

  • Just a newbie here, but if you don't provide a heading then the multirotor points to the next waypoint.  I think it works like this, but I haven't tested it - If you want to point somewhere else, like a long sideways pan, then you enter the heading you want the multi to point at.  So if I am flying N to S and enter a heading of 90, then the multicopter will point east between the two waypoints.

  • Developer


          It should always point towards the next waypoint and during RTL it should point towards home.  Hopefully that's the behaviour you're looking for.

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