Heavy Quadcopters - Hoverbike

Hello everyone,

Hope you're doing well, greetings of the day. I'm looking to build a hoverbike with Quad propeller with 4 heavy lift motors need design, heavy lift motors, propellers, joysticks, batteries, frame, speed controllers, operating software with other equipment and accessories - all configurations are required to lift min 200Kg (Hoverbike weight + a pilot weight - Each prop should be min thrust to lift 50Kg at 50% throttle). I need to buy parts and need buildout support. Please advise, where I can buy or contact. Appreciate your support. Thanks in advance.

With warm regards,


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  • Your going to have issues sourcing ESC for your project but motors you have some choice you can use T-motor U15 6-8  40 inch prop 37kg thrust per motor of them love to help you with this sound like an exiting project.


    Or you can use 4 of these motors 202/80 motors MP154120 50 or 60 inch prop


    I do not know of ESC controller for plane more than 16S 400amps

    motor cycle controller I have seen 800A-1200A 28S

    T-Motor U15 PLUS brushless motor 100kv for multi rotor [U15 100kv] - $699.99 : www.brushlessgimbal.…
    www.brushlessgimbal.ca T-Motor U15 PLUS brushless motor 100kv for multi rotor [U15 100kv] - T-Motor U15 PLUS brushless motor 100kv for multi rotor
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