helicopter IMU

for a helicopter IMU. But recently I have heard that ST's sensors are bad for helicopter IMU's, as they are bad with vibration. Would this work? If not, can someone suggest a accelerometer/check my gyro choice?
I really dont understand the degrees/s, what does this refer too? more sensitivity? is so, what am I aiming for? that sensor breakout comes in 50 degrees/s to 300 degrees/s.
I am stuck on an accelerometer, can someone suggest one from :http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/categories.php?c=163 (I can't solder BGA).

Any information is appreciated!

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  • Have you seen this: http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/1253
    It's quite expensive, but it has everything you need (well, except GPS) with Kalman built in, so all you have to do is to connect it to your microcontoller.
    I'm stirting similar project myself - currently doing lots of research for parts and techniques. I want to build something similar to Osprey V-22 - decided not to use Quadcopter idea, because I want fast horizontal flight.
    If you're interested in sharing ideas, drop me a line at realspido@gmail.com
    All the best,

  • Moderator
    Hi Ravi,
    see my project and repository I think that you can found some thinks interesting for your project : http://code.google.com/p/lnmultipilot10/
  • 3689346099?profile=original

    If you know what you're doing, you can make them out of any gyros. The key is knowing what you're doing.
  • Ravi and Roy,

    May I suggest you look at the MikroKopter and UAVX flight controllers for ideas on what sensors to use? These are arguably the most advanced open source quadrocopter platforms. I have both. If you need links, let me know.

    - Don
  • Developer
    DIY Helicopter IMU's are still pretty cutting edge. Sounds like you have a lot of research to do. You don't provide enough info about your goals to suggest any components.
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