Help!!! Arducopter goes wild

I've done a lot of PID Settings and get a lot of WiiCopters in the Air but with the Arducopter V2? No change...

I've startet with stable and Acromode in standard conf. Here is a short video of the Settings in Stable Mode:


What should i do? Same Frame with WiiCopter electronic works perfect!

Why are there so different P Values? (Wii = 2.7, Ardu = 0.XXX???). Why are the Values grey and only changeable in the left table?



Robbe Roxxy 2824-34

ESC Hobbyking Super Simple 18-20

Propeller 10X4

Mode: Plus


Please help!


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  • Now the Copter flyes well. But I have one little problem. Is everytime i connect the Lipo a calibration done? My problem is, that i have always to calibrate the copter. I do this by in-flight calibration or on a flat surface. I never use the trim Sticks.On the Field is no flat surface...

  • Developer

    this looks like a classic orientation issue. can you please provide a top view photo of your quad? And check the frame setting in the CLI?

    in the CLI go to Setup and type "show" Please post that here.



  • i also had severe oscillations and mad behavior with a custom frame...

    it's rather small distance between motors, about 55cm,

    with 2836 big motors and 12" props.


    had a few hours of PID tuning, especially trying to find the correct D as in the wiki,

    after it got on my nerves, i decided to try changing the P.

    surprise !

    at P= 0.3 (so lower than the default 0.5-ish)

    it started to look good !

    some more tuning lead to p=0,28 and D around 0.13


    the airframe is a very poor one actually, not sturdy at all, easily twisting arms, and plenty of vibrations.

    that probably proves that the PID tuning is more important than any other frame physics...

  • So, i've now modified another perfectly flying WiiCopter with Turnegy Plus 25A ESCs. Same Result. Very disappointing - Trying to get it work since 4 Month. I've already tested it with antother Ardu Hardware. The Hardware works perfect in a Twinstar as Ardupilot Mega. But its impossible to fly a Copter with it.

    Now the Copter wants to get very hard in one direction, so hard that one Motor will stop spinning. ESC Calibration already done manual and automatic mode - no change. Any Ideas?

  • I've already figured this out. But still not flyable. I've resetted to defaults.
  • 100KM

    Why are values grey : because in the upper right corner of your attached picture, you have selected ardupilotMega instead of arducopter.  Select arducopter and connect again.  Then you can change values.


    Values are probably much different from multiwii due to other mathematic formulas used.  In the video it looks like you'll have to lower P values a bit.



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