RTL comes home at right altitude.  FBW-A flies nice. so PID's ire not too bad.

When in AUTO, AP applies negative pitch, and would hit terrain.

WP altitude is 100  -"Verify Altitude" not checked in planner.

I see in the log that targetalt = 103  and targetaltd100=1,0285 (what is this value??)

Actual altitude is 73, and AP is still descending at -7 degree when going for first WP.  - any idea of why ?

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  • My airplane is a glider with AMP 1.0 and I'm facing the same problem. I did update the firmware version from 2.33 to 2.34 and from that moment I began to observe this behavior. Last weekend I updated the firmware to 2.5 but the behavior remained. Only today I figure out the relation of my problem with the Airspeed.

    As described by Andre KJ, my plane also going decreasing altitude constantly, but doesn't stop the throttle. I observed this behavior only at those flight modes which uses navigation. e.g.: "Return to Launch" and  "Auto". I had same experience once at "Loiter" mode too.

    Until now I was trying to set every related PIDs I could find, but with no effect.

    In the ground, when I set flight mode to AUTO, I became curious of why elevator was set "down" when the logical thing is to set it "up" once the plane need to persecute the defined altitude at each waypoint.

    I'll appreciate any help.


    Marcos Souza

  • Developer

    Andke, looking at your log, you have your airspeed set to 12 m/s but your plane only ever does 8-10 in auto, hence the drop.

    i would try 2 things.

    increase your throttle cruise, and lower your target airspeed.


    your plane also makes no attempt to throttle up. is your throttle configured correctly?

  • Bug reported:  http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/issues/detail?id=569

    Chris: thanks for help - I assume you had reasons to suspect airspeed related routines. Hope we see a fix soon.

  • 3D Robotics

    Are you using an airspeed sensor?

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