Help me decide on a glider

I have narrowed the list down to the following:EZ Hawk - Hawk - Hawk - Fly - someone help me narrow down my choices? Price and structural integrity are both important. I plan on installing an IMU based autopilot along with a camera for OSD and telemetry.Also, if you prefer a plane which is not listed above, feel free to post the name and a link.thanks

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  • Doug

    Are the turnigy radios any good? I know they dont come with the modules but for the price I think it would be good just to have one sitting as a spare or even using it as a main radio.

    Has anyone any experience of them?
  • Admin
    Check this one out , model is well made and forgives crashes to gr8 extent. Saw one today fall from sky straight down from 30-40 mts after loosing a prop( propsaver rubber band broke) and then wing came off , the whole thing fell like sack of stone , it flew again with in 20 min :), you need to buy the battery ( choose 2200 mAh , it balances the CG to correct position)
  • I am newbie, and I found the ardupilot is optimized with easystar 3 channel airplane, so I will go with it as startup, and when understanding all aspects of the project, will start upgrading. what this looks for u?
    I am sure that no major changes or maybe few changes is needed to change the aircraft, but to get fast results, keep on the safe side by choosing which airplane is optimized for the project.

    Foe the previous planes, personally I prefer .
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