Help me diagnose why my outputs don't work properly:(

At this point I'd appreciate anyone's help, I am all out of ideas. I tried a new APM (2.5.2 board) but I can't get my gimbal (or any other device for that matter) to receive correct PWM signal. The board seems to be producing a 50% PWM (~1500) signal to any outputs I enable in gimbal options, but completely ignoring my MNT_RC_IN settings.


Gimbal Settings


RC IN working but RC OUT just doesn't care...


Here's the gimbal UI confirming this...

I've used this feature before so I know it works, but doesn't want to on this particular APM. Could it be a hardware issue ? I tried :

- PPM encoder flashed to latest

- Flashed to latest FW

- erase and reset through CLI

- re-calibrated radio

- set gimbal settings

But I got exactly the same behavior.

Am I missing something or is this APM is toast ?

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  • Got it working by erasing/reseting again and setting gimbal option in Mission Planner instead of APM Planner.

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