Help needed with PID setup

I'm having a bit of trouble getting my quad with Apm and Oilpan to stabalize or fly decently. I have followed all instructions in the Arducopter wiki and read them all. What I have noticed is there's not a lot about how to setup and stabalize the PID values with configuratorI have got it close, but not quite there yet. Does anyone know of a comprehensive how to for the PID values?I found a helpful one on ardupirates for the super stable pid setup, it's pretty goodBut I still can't seem to get it to sit still in one spot. I don't have a Mag and my gps usnt hooked up yet, as I don't want to break it or any of my other equipment yet. I have got rid of oscillation and lazyness in acro mode, but I have noticed that when I am tuning settings in configurator that I can get roll and pitch to 0 and gyro to 408 all is good, but when I arm the motors, the Accel Roll jumps around from -100 to 100 really fast. Is this normal, or maybe a problem with my IMU? Could this be causing the instability I'm describing?I would read more here, but my internet's gone down, and I'm trying to resolve this with my phone..Hope someone can help me out or a good link to info on fine tuing. Thanks. 

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  • I'll Help u Bro I just got mine flying to day.  I think u might be having the same problems i did.  This is what i had to do. 

    1.)  Make sure GPS & Tele pins are pointed at motor #3 front motor. 

    2.)  Dip switch 1 Down,  switches 2,3,4 all UP

    3.)  slider switch torwards Dip switches

    4.)  "A" LED should be solid green,

    5.) "B" LED comes on when with gear switch.      Gear ch.

    6.)  Verify that second toggle switch is working      AUX.

          If yor AUX ch. Switch is backwards I think it puts the Quad in Aerobatic mode.  The AUX ch. being Reversed is what was getting me.    

    I'm using the PiratesNG latest code 

  • First thing I would do is double check all solder joints with magnifier.

    Did you buy the kit or already assembled?


  • Anyone... Please. I would really like to get this thing flying.
    Is it possible my accel roll sensors are faulty causing the jump of 200 points back and forth in configurator?
    I can't help but think this will cause instability. ( my main problem)
  • One more thing. My APM/IMU is secured with rubber bands to high density foam on my frame to try and dampen vibrations. 
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