I have finished building my pre-soldered ArduCopter. I loaded RC2 as 1.4 (which was pre-installed) seems to be out of date now.
Could someone please help me with the following issues?
1. I set everything up before plugging in my Mtek GPS 3329. Once I plugged the GPS in I could not arm the ESC's, which seems odd.
2. The light on the GPS goes solid but I do not get a light on position C on the the IMU shield to indicate that the GPS is working.
3. There is information on the Wiki about updating the Mtek firmware. I have not done this as I assumed that this update would have been already done before the kit was shipped to me. Do I need to update the firmware to solve the problems in 1. and 2. above?
4. On the test bench I cannot see any difference in motor response to RC control inputs or stabilisation feedback between selecting X or + mode using the dip switches. I want to run X mode and I assume that when this is selected I would see the rear left and rear right motors powering up on a forward elevator (pitch) input. Instead on the rear (as in + config) motor gives any power when I push the elevator stick forward. All other motor responses (i.e. aileron and pitch back) are what I would expect for + config even with the dip switch set to X.
I would appreciate any help you folks could give me on these issues.
Reloaded R2 and to the APM and it recognised X config. I guess I must have made an error somewhere in the sketch.
Managed several flights in stable mode. Worked well, very stable in fact :-).