Help to use 2W alternative telemetry 433MHz


I have found a 2w telemetry with rs232 interface for about 55$ from aliexpress.

This is the datasheet (board name: SNR 6202) .

I bought a pair of these cards, but I was not able to use with the APM 2.6.
I tried to communicate the two cards to each other with their RS232-USB adapters, and they worked.
Obviously I set apm and cards with 9600 baud, and I used the UART0 for the test.
anyone has any advice or evidence to suggest?

 Sorry for my bad english.

The help would be greatly appreciated and thank you.

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  • sorry, I meant that I set the parameter "SERIAL1_BAUD" at 9, because the telemetry works at 9600.

  • Should be 57600 baud i think :)

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