Help with APM 2.6 needed please!

Hello everyone, I am doing a project to create a fully autonomous UAV and am currently in the electronic setup phase.


I have a:

3 cell ‘Zippy’ LiPo battery 6400mAh,

4 ‘Turnigy D3530/14’ motors,

a ‘Q brain 25A' ESC,  

an APM 2.6 with external GPS, compass, power module and radio telemetry kit.


The problem I am having is that the APM is not receiving any power when using the power module, whereas when the board is connected via USB it functioning as expected. The ESC is getting power and functioning as it should too so there is no power source issue.

Photo 1 - All the components.

Photo 2 - How I am currently trying to power the board.

Photo 3 - The APM 2.6 and connected power module.

Please note in photo 2 I have chosen not to have any of the extra bits connected to the board (such as GPS or telemetry) since I want to narrow down the problem of why I am getting no power whatsoever through the 'PM' slot - can anyone help?

Thanks very much in advance, any help whatsoever will be appreciated.

securedownload (2).jpg

securedownload (1).jpg


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  • It could be that your power module is defective, have you a multimeter to check the output side of the module when It's connected to the battery.

    You can power the APM by connecting your esc to the servo output rail, with jumper JP1 in place, but you should read up the wiki on the alternative ways to power up your APM, before you do this, you don't want to frazzle your new APM.

    • Is the APM powered through the PM-connector with 5V?

      If APM is connected to PM with 5V power, then the other connections (In - and Output) may have no more powerconntions?

      Can someone explain the connections with APM, Q BRAIN, motor and receiver.

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