Help with Autonomous Flight


We have our quadcopter flying fine through manual control, and it has also successfully loitered. However, when we set a waypoint and tried to allow it to fly autonomously the copter crashed. During the crash it did not allow us to take back over manual control to try and prevent the impact from occurring. Has anyone had this same issue with autonomous mode or does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks.

Autonomous Flight Crash (4-21).MOV

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  • I just ran the Tlog and had a look at the flight. I saw you had set your waypoint, and as you switch to auto, it appears to try to make it to that waypoint, but the speed and alt work against it. Just wondering what maH batt are you running? Also, have you tested the RTL function at all before the auto flight? Also, what alt did you set the waypoint for? And once it reached the waypoint, what was its orders? loiter, circle, RLT?

    I think it was attempting to go to the waypoint but a few things were causing a round about way of getting there.

  • I have attached our Tlog from the particular flight in which we could not switch from autonomous back to stabablize prior to the crash. Once again any help or advice on how to fix this issue would be greatly appreciated.

    2014-04-21 10-43-43 (2).tlog
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