Help with understanding ArduPilot and/or ArduCopter?


 First off I'm very new to the world of drones as you'll probably find out by some of the questions I'm about to ask. So for a school project we are building an autonomous drone that will do certain tasks. We decided to use a Navio2 flight controller. I'm still a little confused on the ArduPilot platform we are going to be using. As far as I know this is the platform where we will be modifying the source code for our drone to change it's behaviour, add new sensors, etc? The drone isn't built yet but I was hoping to get a look at the ArduPilot code just so I can get familiar with it. I believe we are using GitHub for this project to manage our code. Where would I find ArduPilot to download? Since we are building a quadcopter do I need all the ArduPilot files or do I just need the ArduCopter files? Any help or explanation on ArduPilot/ArduCopter would be appreciated! Anything to get me started in the right direction.

Thank you very much!

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