I try to collect list of Autopilot systems.I think this list very informative for beginners.I'll working on features and comparison table for these products.I'll actualy update this message for new products.You can add some informations for these products to this message.Prefered , pros , cons.And ofcourse help me to update new ones or remove bad or buggy products.UNAV PicoPilotUAV V2 Development BoardArdu PilotArduinoBasic Stamp ( Parallax )Atto PilotPiccolo IIPaparazziAlbatrosSparkfun IMUMicroPilotAuav EZI-NAVRotomotion ( esp. for heli's )Maybe after reading something i'll write a how to choose Autopilot systems.Updates !
1 Platform Alternatives
1.1 Lego NXT Based
1.2 Ardunio Based
1.4.5 Atto Pilot
1.5 PIC Processor
1.6 ARM7
1.6.2 Ng UAVP(Quad)
1.8 Mobile Phones , etc..
1.8.1 Nokia Symbian
1.8.2 Iphone
1.8.3 Windows Mobile
1.9 MIPS Based
1.9.2 U-Nav 3500
1.10 Unknown Proc
1.10.1 Piccolo (Cloudcap Tech)
1.11 GroundBased

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  • Well Short specs for ArduPilot:
    30x47mm not including GPS or FMA CoPilot, 4 PWM servo input/passthrough output plus one for mode control, 16MhZ Atmega168 main CPU, 6 analog inputs, 6 digital in/out, one serial port for GPS.

    Also of the AttoPilot there are a few versions in the works with different capabilities.
  • thanx for your answer , i update the list.
  • I would not list FMA Copilot or XBee pro since they are not autopilots, the XBee is a radio modem and the copilot is a stabilization system in most cases needed for Ardupilot and several others on your list. The Xbee is applicable to anything with a serial port and/or separate serial GPS but not directly related to navigation.
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