Hexacopter advice

Im working in conjunction with someone else who shoots big screen movies like Iam Ledgend ,Where looking at needing a stable platform for shooting high rise shots what would be the best Hexacopter to do this also for now we would like to use the least amount of upfront cash as possible Also where looking at needing to lift 3-5 lbs 

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  • Realizing you wrote this 3 years ago, I am just curious if you still hold this opinion? Do you think the APM project (ie. PixHawk) has matured enough to be comparable to the DJI proprietary FCs?

    If not, in what ways does APM fall short?

    What advice do you have if a builder/pilot is also desiring to develop software for the platform? Is this possible with the high end proprietary (closed source) controllers?

  • Look at the Cinestar 6.


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