Hexacopter PID Tuning Stand + a few other ?

Hi everyone,

I'm putting together a F550 hexacopter for a bit of a project, flying small quads around slowly coming up to speed with the little blighters and I'm having a ball. I did a fair amount of reading prior to jumping in the deep end and buying the F550 kit, AMP 2.6, compass and telementry radio. I know I should have started with something a little smaller but I couldn't help it.

After initially being swamped by information overload the bigger picture is starting to make sense, reading and re-reading the AMP tutorial and surfin' round here has helped enormously, a top forum from what I have seen so far. Now for a couple of questions that I'm a bit fargled on.

Has anybody designed a test stand for a hexa to help out with the PID tuning? I'm must admit I'm not overly keen to tie the hex between two sticks using string. All I can picture there is the first aid kit running out of band aids. More blogging sorted this one out too, fantastic forum and blog.

I'll be using my Futaba T8FG Super, I have a R6208SB Rx and I'm not sure that it will cut the mustard with the APM board. I've read a couple of articles on setting up the Tx switches, that's easy, but I can't find a preferred or ideal Futaba Rx anywhere within these walls, (apart from John talking about a FrSky 4ch with 8ch CPPM), any ideas? Would I be better running the 8FG in 7ch mode with a 617? I have this one sorted by searching Blogs instead of the Forum.

The PDB on the hex, would I be better running a 3DR or equivalent portable PDB to try and help eliminate some of the magnetic field that seems to surround the onboard PDB board in abundace?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Have a great day everyone, and keep it shiny side up.


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  • Hey Graham, 

    I'm currently in a similar position of looking for a more elaborate and more importantly safe way of running through the PID tuning process. I was wondering if you could link the blogs where you found a better solution or simply inform me of what that solution was.  



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