Hi All,
I have a hexacopter using a Pixhawk flight controller and Mission Planner. Ultimately this copter will be controlled autonomously using an onboard computer running ROS. Right now, I need to run a quick test just to make sure everything works and to determine flight time. The idea is to start the copter, have it ascend 1 m, hover until the battery reaches some value, then land. I don't have a radio control as it is supposed to be autonomous, so I need to do all of this through Mission Planner. The problem is pretty much everything I have seen requires a GPS lock, which I won't have. Is there a way to do this? As well, I am pretty new with drones, so if there are any good resources for learning how to use Mission Planner, links would be greatly appreciated.
I suggest you make contact with one of the companies providing commercial support to ArduPilot http://ardupilot.org/ardupilot/docs/common-commercial-support.html