Hexacopter Wobling and crash

Hi there,

I am new into the world of drones. I always wanted to build my own drone, so for a school project, I decided to build a hexacopter. The part description are:

H550 V3 Glass Fiber Hexcopter Frame 550mm

APM 2.6 (with external GPS)

6x Sunnysky 2212-13 980Kv

HK Afro 30 A ESC

Turningy 9x Radio

Batterry Luminier 5200 mah(4s)

So after putting everything together, I followed the calibration process, starting from the Fc, the radio and ESCs. Then I took it out for a flight and noticed some strange behaviors; Wobbling and after that it crashes.

I would like to know what's happening so I can fix this soon.

Thanks in advance. 


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