Hexaxopter maiden a success , but ....

Good day all

Just completed a very basic ( I have to say ) hexacopter. Just a FC, radio and GPS.

But a start non the less !!! It was a success ... all I did was fly it in stabilise mode by hand.

I shall now into a range of tests, testing all the auto-functions and failsafes ... and then later

adding cameras etc ...

I do have a question , though.

The FW that was on was an older FW-set , 3.4.?? and when I started that version up just to see

if the FC seems healthy, the main LED on top was doing its thing ..... yellow, green ...etc ..etc.

However, when I flashed it with 3.5.7 (hexa) I do not get ANY action from the LED. It almost appears

as if a remote LED is connected. I have not used a remote LED yet, but I do believe in that case

the main LED stops functioning. Based on the sounds I can hear when the copter is ready etc.

But I was wondering if there is a specific reason ?

Oh .. its a pixhawk 2.4.8 ... APM copter 3.5.7(hexa)

mini M8N GPS, 

R-XSR receiver. 

BLp-Heli32 ( 40A) ESC;s


Many thanks !!




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