Hi all.

(Maybe bug reports go somewhere else? Haven't learned how to yet, so I venture to post this here before going to bed)


APM planner 1.0.9  (nice work BTW ! ) I make a mission plan and save it. When loading again it garbles all the WP coordinates:


The saved file:

#define WP_RADIUS 30 // What is the minimum distance to reach a waypoint?
#define LOITER_RADIUS 60     // How close to Loiter?
#define HOLD_CURRENT_ALT 0    // 1 = hold the current altitude, 0 = use the defined altitude to for RTL
#define ALT_TO_HOLD 100

float mission[][5] = {


File loaded and saved again:


#define WP_RADIUS 30 // What is the minimum distance to reach a waypoint?
#define LOITER_RADIUS 60     // How close to Loiter?
#define HOLD_CURRENT_ALT 0    // 1 = hold the current altitude, 0 = use the defined altitude to for RTL
#define ALT_TO_HOLD 100

float mission[][5] = {



Same happened in v 1.0.0.  


Can this have to  do with my european system which handles decimal points differently(commas, not points)?

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