HIL with Flightgear

Hardware: APM 2.5

Firmware: 2.71

I am attempting to do a HIL sim with Flight Gear. Currently, when I try to get ArduPilot to fly, the Simulator shows the plane thrown wildly around. The outputs of ArduPilot max themselves out at 1.0. Furthermore, when I start the simulation the text in the middle of the simulation tab on the MP show this:

Listerning on port UDP 49005 (sim->planner)
Sending to port UDP 49000 (planner->sim)
Sent xplane settings
Sim Link Started

Why does it say "Sent xplane settings." I have FlightGear selected on the radio controls.

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  • I moved my simulation setup over to a Windows environment. I am getting similar results. Another detail to the puzzle is that the ArduPilot only outputs 0 or 1 for its surface controllers. These are the maximums. In other words, it outputs a maximum left roll or a maximum right roll, but no in between values. Does anyone have a clue why this is?

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