HK GCS not connecting, APM Planner will....

I am running APM 2.012 with the most current build.  I have absolutely no problems programming waypoints using the APM planner as well as using the APM planner for wireless telemetry monitoring.  The problem is that I can't connect wirelessly with HK.  I have the correct COM port selected as well as the baud rate.  It just won't connect.  I am getting very familiar with all aspects APM and APM planner but HK is still foreign to me as I haven't used it.  I wish to use it for real flights now that I have run many successful HIL simulations.  Any ideas?


Thanks again,


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  • I just talked to Doug....the number itself includes two decimal places. but is stored as an integer. So 2.33 would be 233 in the APM. My GCS has a multiplier built in so 1.2.77 will have this corrected. You enter it as a decimal value between 0 and 10 and it will multiply/divide by 100 for you. So what should happen is if you open your parameters in my GCS it will show 2.33 and in Michael O's planner it will show 233 (I think).
  • Happy,

         The Oilpan problem I was experiencing was due to faulty wave soldering from the factory and an improperly calibrated gyro.  I sent it back to DIYDrones and they fixed that for me as well as confirmed my suspicion that it was faulty.  Yes, my Ail-1, Ele-2, Thr-3, Rud-4 and APM-5.  All my modes work perfectly, the plane responds properly in stabilize mode with both HIL firmware and FLY firmware loaded in APM.  Literally everything works perfectly except for reading and writing waypoints with HK GCS over XBee.  I can do it fine with APM Planner but I really like the layout you have much more and would very much like to use it for real flight!  I also saw your comment on my vid about updating to the newest version.  I have updated to 1.2.71 and the problem still remains.  I really wish that would have fixed it!!


    Thank you for your continuing help,


  • Ok here is the link to the vid.  Keep in mind using this same computer just after the vid I opened APM planner and read the waypoints via XBee's with no problems...

    I also forgot to say THANK YOU to everyone at the end of the vid.  This entire community is 100% awesome!

    HK GCS Waypoint Problem

  • Upon further testing I have found something interesting.  HK GCS thinks my throttle channel is my aileron channel.  I 'bump' the ailerons during auto mode flight and it changes the throttle percentage.  I can read configuration parameters with absolutely no problems, it seems to only have a problem reading the waypoints.  I will post a link to a short vid describing my problem soon.



  • Ok I thought I had it working and to some extent it is.  The GPS will now zero in on and follow the plane but every time I try and read waypoints I get a message stating:  "APM failed to respond to command request....retrying."  This happens after successfully reading between 2 and 5 waypoints of 14.  Then it says, "Command request failed."  The GPS will still track the plane but there it seems it won't read the waypoints.  I have tried all possible combinations of Serial Data transfer speeds...  Hmm...



  • The problem has finally solved! Thanks to Chris and Darren.

    Just open HK GCS, then select 57600 baud rate as usual and correct com port. After that press "connect". 

    Go to "Serial Data" tab and in "Serial Settings" set "Max GPS" as 1Hz. Then HK GCS defines your location and zooms into it.

    That's works for me. Maybe you'll need to set some other frequencies until it becomes synchronized, nevertheless the trouble is exactly in these parametres.

  • 3D Robotics
    Have you run the Xbee test in the CLI or with X-CTU to confirm that your Xbees are paired and communicating?
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